If you like
There is the 80 (stop, 80?)s, then: I ran, and if you like some books, then run to: In Ways Impossible to Fold and X-Ray. Again. Then, when all this seems slightly literary, check out: this.
To bold the underword or underword bold wordings. Or just so. Or feasting fast unto death.
There is the 80 (stop, 80?)s, then: I ran, and if you like some books, then run to: In Ways Impossible to Fold and X-Ray. Again. Then, when all this seems slightly literary, check out: this.
If, while you are out and bout at AWP, and you happen into the book room, why not drop by the Marsh Hawk Press table, say Thursday 2/12 at 1? I'd be happy to exchange a book (heck, or two) to you for some bills.