Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Space XV

a paralyzed figure meanders from statue
and out whispers: look, a pronoun. and
all clap. they, we, shook hands and a glass
boat appeared, appeared and appeared—
a pronoun appears and other pronouns appear.
still, the figure meanders. floats. some say
undulates as only a pronoun can. undulate.
some consult … but forget: pronouns
consult only so long. then consult again.
gets cover of grass and vine because
so slow, the figure. arms and legs oar air
so we/she/it/ they/my/their/he/our air turns
buttery and tagged as butter through
and through soft and malleable, a (pro).


At 6:58 AM, Blogger Kristi Maxwell said...

to stud such butter with the mi(gh)te of me

this one pleases suchly

it's taken me twenty minutes to load this page on the shabby computer at my dear mom's to tell you this

soon, home

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[you] have a way of forgiving language its absentmindedness. for what consults only so long does consult again. then. [what]: also pronoun(ced). it is much appreciated. the (for)giveness. cover of grass and vine so fine. what about I? grass and vine, grass and vine. cover.


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